On Mon 10 Dec 2018 at 17:47:20 -0500, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote: > On 12/10/18, Marek Mosiewicz <marek.mosiew...@jotel.com.pl> wrote: > > Hi everybody > > > > What about creating Debian users mailing list for social entertainment. > > I believe Debian users have great intellectual abilities and such list > > where it could be talk about anything could be great thing. > > > > It could be not necessarily hosted on Debian servers. Or maybe debian > > people communicate some different way. > > > I *thought* there used to be a Debian-Offtopic (or off-topic) > listserv, but I don't see it listed on the listserv homepage [0]... > which is where I THOUGHT I saw it listed.
Your memory is good; #427218 and #425439. All trace of the -offtopic list appears to have disappeared from history. > Beyond that, I *thought* I remembered a few times seeing long threads > being (politely) advised to move it on over to offtopic, meaning the > listserv I thought I remembered.. That never worked. People intent on disrupting -user stayed there and continued their disruptive work. -- Brian.