finn wrote on 11/07/2018 08:45 AM:
> Solution 1:
> sudo apt purge python3-ipykernel
> sudo apt install python3-ipykernel
> Solution 2:
> OR, purge python-notebook package and install it again, it will automatically 
> install ipykernel package while resolving its dependency.
> sudo apt purge python-notebook
> sudo apt install python-notebook
> Should fix you're issue.

Nope. They don't. I reinstalled a few times while figuring out what the real
issue is.

> By the way, installing python-notebook from official debian 
> repo( works for me without a singal error.

Perhaps you don't have python2 installed. The official stable package looks
like it probably works fine if you don't have python2 installed.

But if you do have both official pythons installed from the stable
repositories, as I do, then /usr/bin/python points to python2 (at least it
does here) so that when jupyter tries to create a python3 notebook and
executes "python", then it executes python2,not python3, and hence there's a
rapid failure.

Easy to fix, per bug 913110, but it /is/ a bug.



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