I have a strange problem with special characters over samba. Some
filenames have umlauts in them which
 - are not displayed correctly by konsole (replaced by "?")
 - *are* displayed correctly on the exporting servers text console
 - are converted to many strange things on the mounting machine (:x8,
\304, etc.) depending to the iocharset given to smbmount.

I've got so far that Konqueror is at least able to handle those
characters (it's displaying funny boxes instead of characters, but it's
better than anything else so far). GTK applications just go boom when
encounetring umlauts, so I won't even try to describe what grip and xmms

With LANG set to en_US.UTF-8, konsole even accepts and prints umlauts on
the command line.

Is there any way to get that stuff in order? Perhaps a way to at least
determine the current charset used by a console and then set it

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