Speaking from experience: Running your own server is a bit of a pain -
to setup, and to administer, and it's best done on a server with a
static IP address, not on a desktop behind a NAT router. (Sympa is what
I recommend for those who want to run their own, by the way.)
For simple things, I hate to recommend it, but google groups is about as
free & easy as it gets.
Otherwise, I expect somebody in your membership might have a corporate
machine they'd host you on.
Miles Fidelman
On 10/23/18 9:53 AM, rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
(Aside to Jeff: Just sending you a copy of this for your information.)
Background: I am working with a Linux SIG that used to be part of a more
general computer group. We plan to change the name to mention "LUG" (GLVLUG
-- Greater Lehigh Valley Linux User Group).
I want to establish a mailing list for the group.
I want to find either:
* a "service" that would host a mailing list for the group for free
* or, put a (simple) mailing list application on one of my machines, behind
a firewall (well, NAT) and not require the use of anything that (in my mind)
takes a lot of work or more knowledge than I have atm to setup -- for example,
I don't want it to depend on (or be) an MTA, Apache (or any other web server),
or even a windows email client that I'm not using (I currently use kmail, and
plan to stick with it).
I know I could do something in kmail by adding a mail list such that I could
send out emails to a reasonable number of people, but that doesn't solve the
problem of other people posting to the list.
I'd prefer that, whatever I find, receive / retrieve posts via POP3 (via my
ISP) and send posts via SMTP (again, via my ISP), and I'd prefer that emails
be stored in mbox files (but, I could live with maildir).
One of my machines is running Debian 7.11 (Wheezy), and the other is running
Debian 8.11 (Jessie) -- I'd probably install whatever I find on the 8.11
I looked at packages available that might meet my needs (just by searching for
mailing list in apper and then looking at the dependencies) -- I found the
following that might meet my needs -- I'll start by investigating courier (the
pop version).
* courier-pop
* enemies-of-carlotta
* mimmj
* quickml
* schleuder
* smartlist
I'd appreciate any advice anyone can offer.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra