True enough, the package odvr is not in any Debian repository. Reading
more carefully the same doc from Ray Woodcocks, I found a Google storage
place where said package could be downloaded
But... trying to install
#dpkg -i odvr_0.1.4.1_i386.deb
I got an error message saying that my hardware was not compatible since
it was md65, not i386. The same Google archive also proposes something
for md65, but it has to be built and compiled, and there is NO MAKEFILE
provided... the user is supposed to create its own, and I am not ready
to go that way.
So, instead, I installed odvr_0.1.4.1_i386.deb on a very old DELL
Inspiron running Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron)... and... IT WORKS there with
my Olympus recorder !
On 9/24/18 9:24 PM, Matthew Crews wrote:
On 9/24/18 7:36 AM, Bernard wrote:
Hi to Everyone,
I recently discovered that I could run that old voice recorder on
Debian. According to what I read on
it works well once this :
is installed (or maybe something more recent...). Problem is, this is
unavailable on my default repositories. I tried adding
deb stretch main non-free
to my sources.list, but, after the update, the package odvr is still
Where can I get this package, or is there anything else that could fill
my purpose with this Olympus voice recorder ?
Thanks in advance for your help
Are you sure that ODVR is in the repos? I'm looking and it doesn't
appear to be.