On 9/23/18 12:59 PM, The Wanderer wrote:
On 2018-09-23 at 10:24, Grzesiek Sójka wrote:
On 9/23/18 10:30 AM, Étienne Mollier wrote:
On 9/23/18 1:48 PM, Grzegorz Sójka wrote:
Hi there,
I need to allow remote applications to connect to xorg. Since I
log in using lxdm i have tcp_listen=1 in /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf.
Thus Xorg is running without -nolisten tcp flag. Unfortunately:
$ xhost +localhost; DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 xterm
localhost being added to access control list
xterm: Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:0.0
Any suggestions??
Maybe try:
xhost +LOCAL:
DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 xterm
It does not work:
# xhost +LOCAL; DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 xterm
xhost: bad hostname "LOCAL"
Did you try with '+LOCAL:' instead of '+LOCAL'?
The colon is important.
$ xhost +LOCAL: ; DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 xterm
non-network local connections being added to access control list
xterm: Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:0.0
Please note that I need to enable remote connections. I use localhost
just for testing.
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