On Monday, 17 Sep 2018 at 01:52, Glenn English wrote: > I tried it earlier, but tossed it because it didn't do stuff I needed > it to do. But after getting two recommendations, I looked again, this > time with its man page. It looks like, with a little futzing, it'll do > a better job than Evince. (My pdfs are *way* not complex -- just 3 or > 4 lines at most, in 48 point bold type: "Get up and walk around the > lake!" type stuff.)
On the off chance that this might be helpful, have you thought about using the desktop notification system instead of a PDF? Maybe check out the libnotify-bin package which allows you to specify notifications directly. -- Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50 & org 9.1.11 on Debian buster/sid