On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 11:37:48AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote: > > That bandwidth limit is not on your side of the isp, its the bandwidth > from the main trunk lines to the isp. NNTP is a huge bandwidth hog > regardless of how much of it your isp accepts for spooling on local disk > to serve you. >
This is not the case. The NNTP server-to-server algorithm is analogous to rsync, if you think of: - each message is a file - each newsgroup is a directory - if the receiver doesn't have a directory, it won't be sync'd over from the sender - the sender/receiver don't bother looking at contents of each file to decide whether to update, just the name-timestamp And it always goes in exactly one direction; when the receiver wants to send messages back upstream, that's a different connection in which they swap places. NNTP is a bandwidth hog in exactly the same proportion as the space it occupies on disk. I have simplified for the sake of a familiar analogy. -dsr-