On Wed 01 Aug 2018 at 12:00:41 -0400, Mark Neidorff wrote:

> I'm setting up a "just in case" replacement mailserver for my domain and my 
> local network.  I'm using Debian Jessie, because the latest instructions for 
> setting the mailserver (qmail) are written for Jessie.  The mailserver has 2 
> NICs (one for local network, and one for Internet).
> In the past,  I referred to each NIC as eth0, eth1,..... but now, these names 
> are not permanent, and the designation can change on boot.  I looked at the 
> "Network Coinfiguration" document which didn't have a solution.  So, either 
> how 
> do I make the names for the NICs permanent or what do I use fot the names of 
> the NICs?

Starting with v197, systemd/udev will automatically assign predictable,
stable network interface names for all local Ethernet devices. jessie
has udev v215. jessie-backports has v230.


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