Here’s something interesting that may be relevant, given the note from “man 
> rbthomas@small:~$ lsblk -t
> sda                    0   4096 33553920    4096     512    1 mq-deadline     
>  60 128    0B
> `-sda1                 0   4096 33553920    4096     512    1 mq-deadline     
>  60 128    0B
>   |-small-swap        -1   4096        0    4096     512    1                 
> 128 128   32M
>   |-small-root        -1   4096        0    4096     512    1                 
> 128 128   32M
>   `-small-home        -1   4096        0    4096     512    1                 
> 128 128   32M
> mmcblk2                0    512        0     512     512    0 mq-deadline     
> 128 128    0B
> |-mmcblk2p1            0    512        0     512     512    0 mq-deadline     
> 128 128    0B
> `-mmcblk2p2            0    512        0     512     512    0 mq-deadline     
> 128 128    0B
> rbthomas@small:~$ 

Note the alignment values of “-1” for the lvm entries but not for the GPT 
partition or the whole disk.
Why do you suppose that is?


On Jul 28, 2018, at 12:26 AM, Rick Thomas <> wrote:

> On Jul 27, 2018, at 8:19 PM, David Wright <> wrote:
>> On Fri 27 Jul 2018 at 18:46:02 (-0700), Rick Thomas wrote:
>>> When booting, I get 12 error messages similar to the following (three 
>>> groups of four, each group with a different “start” value and corresponding 
>>> minor device)
>>>> Jul 24 03:40:08 small kernel: device-mapper: table: 254:1: adding target 
>>>> device sda1 caused an alignment inconsistency: physical_block_size=4096, 
>>>> logical_block_size=512, alignment_offset=0, start=33553920
>>> Can anyone tell me what it means and what I should do about it?
>> That's the same message as I reported on an MBR disk in
>> The post gives full details of the partitioning and the
>> creation of the encrypted filesystem which precede getting
>> the messages (in pairs).
>> There were no follow-ups.
> Googling the contents of the subject line of this post gives:
> which is slightly helpful.
> Something else that is interesting is the following from “man pvcreate”:
>> If a device is a 4KiB sector drive that compensates for windows partitioning 
>> (sector 7 is the lowest aligned  logical
>>       block,  the  4KiB sectors start at LBA -1, and consequently sector 63 
>> is aligned on a 4KiB boundary) manually account
>>       for this when initializing for use by LVM.
>>       pvcreate --dataalignmentoffset 7s /dev/sdb
> Is it possible that I have such a device?
> Enjoy!
> Rick

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