I'm unable to get mediawiki from the repos working as it is consistently
failing at accessing the database as part of its configuration at the
beginning. I say 'consistently' as the same problem has occurred when
trying to install mediawiki from source, and this is a clean fresh
install so I think that it must be something in my /home because it is a
completely new fresh install. But what?
Can anyone give me some guidance here please, as I've been looking in my
/home for anything 'mariadb' or 'mysql'-like but without any success.

When I input my database details into
'http://localhost/mediawiki/mw-config/index.php?page=DBConnect' I get an
error message saying -

│DB connection error: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (localhost).
│Check the host, username and password and try again.

To my thinking, its obviously comparing what I'm inputting into
something, and deciding that they don't match, so therefore giving me an
error message. But what is it comparing to?

A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
DrugFacts = https://www.drugfacts.org.uk
Debian 9.4, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 25.3.2, org 9.1.13

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