On Jul 06, 2018 um 11:17:56, Richard Owlett wrote: > Subject line is poorly phrased. > While working on a problem {solved by a different approach} I had: > ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/ | cut -f 10,12 -d ' ' data.txt > I would then manually edit data.txt by replacing the space character between > the two fields with a tab. > > I suspect I should be able to do: > ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/ | cut -f 10,12 -d ' ' | *something* > > prettydata.txt > > I searched for examples/tutorials found that it should be conceptually > possible. However the examples I found were processing streams I didn't > understand.
Hello Richard, one way is to do it with sed: ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/|cut -f 10,12 -d ' '|sed 's/ /\t/g'>prettydata.txt Hth Michael
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