On Mon 02 Jul 2018 at 10:12:13 (+0100), Joe wrote:
> On Sun, 1 Jul 2018 17:43:02 -0500
> David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> > Why? If you find the cause, you can fix it. Upgrades are careful
> > about preserving the system's integrity to run.
> Less and less with each version. 
> I have a wheezy: I cloned it to a spare desktop machine, upgraded with
> some significant difficulty to jessie, tried the next step to stretch
> and abandoned it. I believe there will be less work in a new install,
> which I'm now probably about a week into, with another week to go.
> Back in the days of etch, it was an hour or two. Not any more.

Can you be more specific. The only case I can think of "recently" was
the dist-upgrade from lenny to squeeze where, if you were still
running the original lenny kernel, it was important to make sure that
udev wasn't upgraded before the kernel was upgraded and running.


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