On Sun 24 Jun 2018 at 16:57:29 (+0200), Lucio wrote:
> This thing bugs me since a few months. I use XFCE on Debian sid.
> Whenever I click a menu item that opens a file dialog, be it open or
> save, the application freezes for exactly 25 seconds, then the file
> dialog shows up.
> It happens with almost any GUI application, from LibreOffice to
> Thunderbird and Google Chrome.
> If I run the program in a terminal it's the same, but at least I get
> an error in the terminal just after the 25 seconds expire:
> Error creating proxy: error calling startservicebyname for
> org.gtk.vfs.GoaVolumeMonitor: timeout was reached (g-io-error-quark,
> 24)
> The timeout happens only on the first file dialog opening for each
> program session, subsequent ones show up instantly. If I close the
> program and open it again, the problem shows up again on the first
> file dialog usage.
> Googling for the error yields no exact results (only slightly
> different errors). The closer I get is
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-volumed/+bug/1347272
> but, aside it being in Ubuntu and not Debian, it seems fixed in XFCE
> 4.11, and I'm running XFCE 4.12.
> Any clue?

Do you have a symlink from your home/current working directory
pointing to a networked file system (like gvfs, in the light of
that error message) which the dialog box is trying to resolve
before it can display itself?


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