Basically, all messages returned by X-applications are redirected to the ~/.xsession-errors file. In some desktop environments this file is emptied with each X session restart. At least that was the case of my Openbox + LightDM setup. Now, I'm trying to migrate to KDE/Plasma5, and as a part of it, I installed the SDDM login manager. I haven't really finished the migration process yet, but since SDDM looks better than LightDM, I wanted to replace it. Unfortunately, the ~/.xsession-errors file grows in size, and after a few hours it's around 20-30 MiB, and the content of the file isn't removed with each X session restart.
In the /etc/X11/Xsession file, there's something like this: ----------------------------------- ERRFILE=$HOME/.xsession-errors ... exec >>"$ERRFILE" 2>&1 ----------------------------------- Since I'm using FIFO devices for some rsyslog logs, I thought I also could use one of such devices for the ~/.xsession-errors file content, but changing the ERRFILE variable to some /dev/log-fifo device causes the start of the X session to stall -- it hangs since the FIFO device needs (probably) some process to read the content of the device, for instance, "cat /dev/log-fifo", but unfortunately I can't add anything in the script after the above command so it could "cat" the device (it works when I do it via TTY). Is it even possible to redirect the content of the file to the FIFO device in this way? I'm asking because I temporary created the following systemd .socket file: --------------------------------------------------------- # cat /etc/systemd/system/log-xsession-errors.socket [Unit] Description=log-xsession-errors socket DefaultDependencies=no PartOf=log-xsession-errors.service [Socket] ListenFIFO=/dev/log-xsession-errors SocketMode=0600 SocketUser=morfik SocketGroup=morfik RemoveOnStop=true PipeSize=1M [Install] --------------------------------------------------------- And some service for it: --------------------------------------------------------- # cat /etc/systemd/system/log-xsession-errors.service [Unit] Description=log-xsession-errors service DefaultDependencies=no [Service] ExecStart=/bin/true RemainAfterExit=yes [Install] Also=log-xsession-errors.socket --------------------------------------------------------- And in this solution, systemd creates the device and starts some process to listen on it, and there's no problem with starting the X session because as soon as some X messages show up, they're sent to the FIFO device, and that device has 1 MiB buffer set, and probably that's why it can hold the messages for some time till a terminal with "cat" is started inside of the X session. I'm just wondering whether similar solution can be achieved without systemd. -- Morfik
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