On 03/28/2018 09:50 PM, Markus Grunwald wrote:
> Hello,
> to play some old games, I wanted to start wine, but it always fails with
> errors like that in the attached gna.txt :(
> Not even winecfg is starting (I created gna.txt with starting winecfg).
> It used to work so well a while ago...
> That's what I have installed (debian testing, upgraded today):
>  % dpkg -l wine\* | egrep '^ii'
> ii  wine             3.0-1          all          Windows API
> implementation - standard suite
> ii  wine32:i386      3.0-1          i386         Windows API
> implementation - 32-bit binary loader
> ii  wine64           3.0-1          amd64        Windows API
> implementation - 64-bit binary loader
> ii  winetricks       0.0+20180217-1 all          package manager for
> Wine to install software easily
> Can you help me with that, please?
Perhaps a memory issue. turn off all web browsers(firefox,chrome), cycle 
harvesters(boinc) etc..
Maybe also gnome-based window managers and try starting it in a bare x session. 
Maybe add a swap partition. 
(wine has always been mapping enormous amounts of memory)

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