Well. It's normal way to stream logs to centralized log server via rsyslog
or ossec..


19.2.2018 18.25 <m...@risca.eu> kirjoitti:

> On 2018-02-19 16:52, john doe wrote:
>> Isn't pam enough?:
>> https://linux.die.net/man/8/pam
>> No need to install anything and it's quite versatile.
> Yes, this is in line with the other suggested options such as snoopy or
> pam_tty_audit. It could work as audit system, but it seems to me as a
> solution for more structured and corporate environment.
> In the described case I would like a solution that store record the
> session in a safe way, immutable and trustable, therefore encrypting all
> (only the owners have to be able to read it) and hosted on a read only
> resource (the user who logins should not be able to delete it) and provable
> (signed).
> I think that with pam there is the risk that a user with full access right
> could easily delete all the logs. Or that the log could be altered after.

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