On 2018-01-21 1:02, Dejan Jocic wrote: > On 20-01-18, Jacques Rodary wrote: >> Hi >> How can I start iptables at boot. I don't find an equivalent to " service >> iptables start" with systemd and does'nt know how to create a new >> iptables.service. The manpages aren't quite clear for me. Thanks for any >> help. >> Jacques >> > > There are two options. One would be to learn to write systemd service > units. There are many tutorials on net for how to write those with > examples. Other would be to install iptables-persistent package. You can > find more about using iptables-persistent package if you google it, you > will surly run on few quick howtos.
If you don't want to learn systemd at this stage you can put your iptables lines in /etc/rc.local (before exit 0 line). It will be run during boot and add your iptables config. I know it's not elegant solution by any means but it works if you don't want to play with services at this stage. -- Karol Augustin ka...@augustin.pl http://karolaugustin.pl/ +353 85 775 5312