On Mon, 15 Jan 2018 11:24:22 +0000
Brian <a...@cityscape.co.uk> wrote:

> On Sun 14 Jan 2018 at 20:30:02 +0100, arne wrote:
> > My printer suddenly didn't show up in the Print Windows
> > of Libre Office, Firefox and a lot of other programs.  
> We hope "suddenly" means that one day you went to bed and when you
> woke up, printing from an application didn't work. No changes to the
> printing system or the OS on your part were underaken before, during
> or after the sleep process.
> Please give a list of all the affected programs and the output of
>  dpkg -l libreoffice*
> How do you fare with okular or qpdfview? You are running under GNOME?


I forgot to mention: daily updated Debian Stretch on amd64 with

In okular the printer is visible, but not printing 
In qpdfview the printer is visible and prints!

In Firefox, Gimp and Geanny the printer does not appear

I do not run GNOME but fluxbox.

Output of dpkg -l libreoffice* below


# dpkg -l libreoffice*
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) ||/
Name                                  Version
Architecture Description
ii  libreoffice                           1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
amd64        office productivity suite (metapackage) un
libreoffice-avmedia-backend           <none>
<none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-avmedia-backend-gstreamer 1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
amd64        GStreamer backend for LibreOffice un
libreoffice-avmedia-backend-vlc       <none>
<none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-base                      1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
amd64        office productivity suite -- database ii
libreoffice-base-core                 1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
amd64        office productivity suite -- shared library ii
libreoffice-base-drivers              1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
amd64        Database connectivity drivers for LibreOffice un
libreoffice-bundled                   <none>
<none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-calc                      1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
amd64        office productivity suite -- spreadsheet ii
libreoffice-common                    1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
all          office productivity suite -- arch-independent files ii
libreoffice-core                      1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
amd64        office productivity suite -- arch-dependent files un
libreoffice-dev                       <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-dev-doc                   <none>
<none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-draw                      1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
amd64        office productivity suite -- drawing un
libreoffice-evolution                 <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-filter-binfilter          <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-filter-mobiledev          <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-gnome                     <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-grammarcheck              <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-grammarcheck-nl           <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-gtk2                      <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-gtk3                      <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-help                      <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-help-5.2                  <none>
<none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-help-en-us                1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
all          office productivity suite -- English_american help ii
libreoffice-help-nl                   1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
all          office productivity suite -- Dutch help ii
libreoffice-impress                   1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
amd64        office productivity suite -- presentation ii
libreoffice-java-common               1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
all          office productivity suite -- arch-independent Java support
files un  libreoffice-kde
<none>                   <none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-l10n                      <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-l10n-4.3                  <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-l10n-4.4                  <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-l10n-en-us                <none>
<none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-l10n-nl                   1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
all          office productivity suite -- Dutch language package ii
libreoffice-librelogo                 1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
all          Logo-like progamming language for LibreOffice ii
libreoffice-math                      1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
amd64        office productivity suite -- equation editor un
libreoffice-mysql-connector           <none>
<none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-nlpsolver                 0.9+LibO5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
all          "Solver for Nonlinear Programming" extension for
LibreOffice un  libreoffice-officebean
<none>                   <none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-ogltrans                  1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
amd64        LibreOffice Impress extension for slide transitions using
OpenGL un  libreoffice-pdfimport
<none>                   <none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-report-builder            1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
all          LibreOffice component for building database reports ii
libreoffice-report-builder-bin        1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
amd64        LibreOffice component for building database reports --
libraries un  libreoffice-reportdesigner
<none>                   <none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-script-provider-bsh       1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
all          BeanShell script support provider for LibreOffice
scripting framework ii  libreoffice-script-provider-js
1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1         all          JavaScript script support
provider for LibreOffice scripting framework ii
libreoffice-script-provider-python    1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
all          Python script support provider for LibreOffice scripting
framework ii  libreoffice-sdbc-firebird
1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1         amd64        Firebird SDBC driver for
LibreOffice ii  libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb
1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1         amd64        HSQLDB SDBC driver for
LibreOffice rc  libreoffice-sdbc-postgresql
1:5.2.7-1                amd64        PostgreSQL SDBC driver for
LibreOffice un  libreoffice-style
<none>                   <none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-style-andromeda           <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-style-crystal             <none>
<none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-style-galaxy              1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
all          office productivity suite -- Galaxy (Default) symbol style
un  libreoffice-style-hicontrast          <none>
<none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-style-tango               1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1 all
office productivity suite -- Tango symbol style
un  libreoffice-style-hicontrast          <none>
<none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-style-tango               1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
all          office productivity suite -- Tango symbol style un
libreoffice-unbundled                 <none>
<none>       (no description available) ii
libreoffice-wiki-publisher            1.2.0+LibO5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
all          LibreOffice extension for working with MediaWiki articles
ii  libreoffice-writer                    1:5.4.4-1~bpo9+1
amd64        office productivity suite -- word processor un
libreoffice-writer2latex              <none>
<none>       (no description available) un
libreoffice-writer2xhtml              <none> <none>       (no
description available)

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