i use mencoder to record tv programsoften i need to remove ad from a video 
filei use -ss and -endpos switch to select part of a video filebut it doesn't 
work perfectlyi specify the options in seconds but sometime it may include more 
video than i needif i shorten time, it may omit some video that i need
they say you can't cut into a frameis there some solution to this problem? 

below is script that i use to record:
mencoder -tv alsa:input=3:driver=v4l2:width=768:height=576 \
    -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=150:vhq:vqmax=31:keyint=300 \
    -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=48 -sws 1 -vf pp=lb,scale=384:288 tv:// \
    -endpos 3600  -o output15.avi   

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