On 29/12/17 05:37, Dan Purgert wrote:
> I believe <ALT>+<First Letter> works for most any menubar
>  - (F)ile
>  - (V)iew
>  - (E)dit
>  - (H)elp
>  - etc...

That's been true for a long time. Generally the significant letter is
underlined. It certainly worked on MS Works 2.0 (for DOS).

> If the window / program has one of those upper-left menus (with the
> program icon) for window-managent (Move, resize, etc), <ALT>+<SPACE>
> usually opens that one.

That worked in Windows 3, which was the first (and almost last) version
I used (on a regular basis on my own machine).

It's handy when you've lost the menu bar off the top of the screen or
whatever - alt-space to bring up that menu, then you can move the window
around or resize it with keys instead of the mouse.

> Though it's been a long time, so I could be mistaken -- I believe if you
> press and hold (or sometimes hold for a few seconds then release) it'll
> highlight or underline the relevant character to open that menu (might
> even give you a selection 'cursor' so you can use the arrow keys to
> navigate).

That I didn't know - I hadn't noticed that some apps don't show the
underlines all the time. Thanks :-)


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