Le 23/12/2017 à 12:10, Georgi Naplatanov a écrit :

  - connect new disk to old computer and boot from your old disk
  - partition your new disk with your favorite program. I like cgdisk
from gdisk package

gdisk and cgdisk handle only GPT. For DOS/MBR, you'll need another program such as fdisk or (g)parted.

and in case of UEFI don't forget to use GPT partition table.

GPT is not mandatory with UEFI. MBR/DOS should work too. But of course GPT is better.

         - in case of UEFI you have to create EFI boot partition. I don't
remember how big it should be but I make it 1GB which is large enough.

The partition must be large enough to contain GRUB EFI core image, which is less than 1 MB. However I have seen one UEFI firmware misbehaviour with a small (~less than 10 MB) EFI partition.

- In case of legacy (BIOS) boot from a GPT disk, a "BIOS boot" partition (1MB unformatted) is recommended for GRUB.

EFI boot partition should be formatted with

        # mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/xxx

My experience is that it is better to let mkfs.vfat decide what is the best FAT format. The same UEFI firmware as above seemed to ignore a small EFI partition formated as FAT32, and used it when it was formated as FAT12 or FAT16.

        # grub-install /dev/sda

For an EFI target, grub-install does not need and ignores the device argument.

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