On 12/19/17, Richard Zimmerman <rzimmer...@riverbendhose.com> wrote:
>>> As soon they come back with and display my balance all the text
>>> turnes to grey and a twiddler pops up and it stays like that forever.
>>>     NFCU's tech support will not admit to knowing who's waiting for
>>> what just we don't support Linux.
> Speaking as a programmer. You write websites for a standard, not a browser,
> language, operating system. This is what is wrong with the web. Wasn't Java
> supposed to be a web language? What is so wrong with html 5. In full
> disclosure, I only tabble in TCL programming now days, never dealt a lot
> with websites but html 5 looks pretty darn good to me.
> Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix shouldn't have to have anything to do with how
> webpages are programmed.
> If your website can not pass W3C standards, you don't need to be publishing
> it to the web.

COINCIDENTALLY.. From yesterday's W3C newsletter:

HTML 5.2 is now a W3C Recommendation

   14 December 2017

   "The Web Platform Working Group has published a W3C Recommendation
of the "HTML 5.2" specification that would obsolete the "HTML 5.1

Just a little ammunition to go along with any possible (anticipated)
advocacy.. :)

Accessibility, usability, user experience are some of the keywords
that get bantered around..

If and when they take you up on this... and they potentially run into questions:


Not near as active as it used to be, but there are still some LONG
time active, quality folks monitoring that list regularly.

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

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