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On Sat, Dec 09, 2017 at 11:29:58AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:

> Thats another very sore point. Where are the man pages? Its installed on
> 6, maybe 7 machines here, with zero docs.

Not a user of policykit here -- I don't like it (as may be deduced
from my other posts). But Gene, before getting all impolite on folks
*giving you stuff for free*, please do some homework. The policykit-1
package page [1] lists *seven* man pages accompanying the package


(and should those be missing in your machines, care to file a bug?)

You read any of them? Thought so.

It took me less than 5 minutes to find that out, even not having
polkit installed. Install && use it, or... leave it (as I do), but
stop shitting on people offering you (for free) the fruit of their

>                                      What the hell? If debian or
> any other distro decides to shove this crap down our throats,

My throat is clear, thankyouverymuch. Nothing has been forced this
way (by Debian, at least).

>                                                              at least
> have the courtesy of making the docs available. I just searched thru the
> repo's with synaptic and came up null and empty on polkit-1.

Once you've read that pages above, you also might want install
policykit-1-doc [2] with (roughly estimated) 50 HTML files carefully
written for your reading convenience.

> So where are the docs?

Do you see them now?

Sorry for the somewhat rough tone. But: (1) your tone was also
somewhat rough, so par for the course, I'd say. And (2) always
assume the possibility of an error on your side.

Cheers, nevertheless :-)

[1] https://packages.debian.org/stretch/amd64/policykit-1/filelist
    (replace "amd64" by your installed arch)
[2] https://packages.debian.org/stretch/all/policykit-1-doc/filelist

- -- tomás
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