On Sun, 10 Dec 2017 00:13:59 +0100
Dejan Jocic <jode...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Man page for pklocalauthority is bit more helpful, but far from self
> explanatory. 

And not updated for Debian.

> In its examples section, it provides some insight about
> writing .pkla files, but it does not show all possible options, or at
> least I can't be sure that it does. For example:
> [Exclude Some Problematic Users]
>            Identity=unix-user:homer;unix-user:grimes
>            Action=com.example.awesomeproduct.*
>            ResultAny=no
>            ResultInactive=no
>            ResultActive=auth_admin
> According to that, and after reading man page for polkit, I can only
> deduct that .pkla file will for that example in that
> com.example.awesomeproduct.* files reads lines under defaults and
> "answer" on allow_any and allow_inactive with no value and on
> allow_active with auth_admin value. Fine, that can work. Guess that
> you can use wildecards for all users, like unix-user:*, but that is
> only guess, cause I can't see it documented anywhere ( might have
> missed it). What I also do not see anywhere is if those are the only
> options available? Or there is some man page, or additional
> documentation in Debian that can explain that?
More examples, and in fact, all the Debian policies, are *.policy
files and under /usr/share/polkit-1, as Brian pointed out.


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