On 2017-12-08, Jonathan Dowland <j...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 2017-12-08 at 12:17 +0100, deloptes wrote:
>> Michael Biebl wrote:
>> > Basically, it was a completely inconsistent mess before systemd.
>> > Now you at least have a central place where you can configure your
>> > system behaviour.
>> This is your opinion - if you can not understand the "mess" it is a
>> mess.
>> For most of us who dislike systemd your same statement is valid. I do
>> not
>> understand it and it is a mess. So we have 1:1 :) 
>> Perhaps we like the old mess better than the new mess ;-)
>> Please do not try to impose your opinion on others. Free software is
>> free
>> for this reason and we want to stay like this. We respect each others
>> opinion.
> I think you are allowing your dislike of systemd to cloud the truth of
> Michael's statement.

The OP was flameware.

Nobody's embarrassed; there is no bug; nothing is "in systemd."

There was a policy decision.

Thus denuded of inflationary rhetoric the OP boils down to a parental
guidance problem (joke).

"The world is full of shipping clerks who have read the Harvard Classics."
— Charles Bukowski

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