On 07.12.2017 16:33, Alexandre Rossi wrote:
> (please CC me as I am not subscribed to the list)
> Hi,
> I am experiencing on-screen artifacts (red dots) when running at
> 1920x1080 on HDMI out. I've ruled out a hardware (cable, TV or GPU)
> issue by installing win10 which does not show those problems.
> This is by using stretch, issue occurs with both kernel 4.9 or 4.13
> available in the backports. The hardware is intel HD 630 (Kaby Lake).
> Xorg uses the modeset driver.
> I was wondering where to get help regarding whether this is a bug :
> - xorg?
> - kernel i915?
> - kernel drm?
> - other component?
> Thanks,
> Alex
A screenshot would be helpful. Does these artifacts appear every single
time or sporadically?

I'd suggest to check RAM first of all with `memtest86+` and let it run
overnight. Not sure if test will get into memory area used as video
memory though.

There was a microcode bug discovered recently in Kabylake-Skylake CPUs.
It causes memory corruption if I remember it correctly. It could be
fixed for certain CPUs by updating firmware for your motherboard or
installing "intel-microcode" package. It could be the cause for your issue.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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