On Thu, 2017-12-07 at 03:03 -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> I no longer have any non-systemd machines handy to verify this on, but
> my memory is that I have *always* been able to use halt/poweroff/reboot
> commands from the console without requiring sudo or entering a password,
> and I've been using Debian since 2000ish, well before systemd was even a
> gleam in some programmer's eye.

I'm running Jessie (with systemd running but booting with sysvinit) and
trying to execute halt/poweroff/reboot/shutdown from a terminal without
root privileges gives an error saying I must be superuser. Which has
always been my experience in 10 years of using Debian.

>From a desktop environment it's usually been possible to shut a machine
down from a menu option, though at least on one release I ended up
having to hack some policy config to allow that to work.


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