On Friday 27 October 2017 03:46:27 Mart van de Wege wrote: > Roberto C. Sánchez <robe...@debian.org> writes: > > On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 12:24:32PM +0100, Darac Marjal wrote: > >> Actually, there's no need to duplicate the effort. As I understand > >> it, resolvconf is basically an optional helper program. Software > >> that automatically modifies /etc/resolv.conf should first test for > >> the presence of resolvconf (whether that be checking for the > >> configuration directory of resolvconf or checking that resolvconf > >> is running or... however resolvconf desires to be detected). If > >> resolvconf is available, the changes are co-ordinated through > >> resolvconf, otherwise, /etc/resolv.conf is modified directly. > > > > In my case resolvconf is not installed/available and I want > > resolv.conf to be left alone. I want any other package that thinks > > it needs to modify resolv.conf to leave it along. > > But there *is* a way to do that: install resolvconf. > > Granted, it might be nice if resolvconf had an easier way to configure > a static setup, but as it is now packages that need to access > resolv.conf should do this through resolvconf if it is available, so > installing and configuring it *is* the right way to handle this. > > Mart
I must argue against it, until as you say, resolvconf is given a well documented way to be told to leave a "static" system alone. Until such time, I'll make /etc/resolv.conf a real file, and mark it and /etc/network/interfaces immutable. And frankly, I'm getting tired of the arguments saying it must be installed. Not all machines are lappy's being toted to Micky D's for connectivity, where it /might/ make some modicum of sense IF it Just Worked. Here, it didn't just work on a jessie install, took me around an hour fighting with its local keyboard, to make networking work on the jessie install, and 15 minutes to make stretch work, but there I wasn't fighting with a kernel bug that kills keyboards and mice. So it didn't Just Work on a stretch install. So until such time as resolv.conf can look at /etc/network/interfaces, and finding the "static" keyword, leave that interface alone, it will be nuked on sight with a root rm... If by the debian 10 release, it must be installed, them MAKE IT WORK. My way, so far, does that. In my experience its a solution looking for a problem, and if it doesn't find one, it will make one. It's network-manager by a new name, and just as worthless. Cheers, Gene Heskett -- "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt (Author) Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>