
On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 08:55:51AM -0700, Gary Roach wrote:
> Don't know why but this message didn't show up on my email so am sending
> again. Thanks for the reply Cindy Sue.
> Hi all.
> I have been trying for several day to get firefox to work on a newly
> installed Debian Stretch system. It Seems that Firefox can't find a DNS
> server. I am having the same problem with apt-get update. None of my mirrors
> can be reached. Ping works just fine. I can't even reach the other computers
> on my home network if I use their names. IP addresses work OK. I have
> installed resolvconf and followed several installation instructions to no
> avail. The name servers for my router ( both google servers
> at and are listed in the correct file (can't remember which
> one). This system worked fine when first installed. I installed qemu-kvm on
> the system and I think in broke things.I've run out of ideas.

Please post these things from the problematic PC:

ip a l

ip ro l

cat /etc/resolv.conf

"tcpdump -nvi any udp port 53 or tcp port 53" run while doing
"getent hosts www.google.com"


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