On 9/23/17, Gary Roach <gary719_li...@verizon.net> wrote: > Hi all. > I have been trying for several day to get firefox to work on a newly > installed Debian Stretch system. It Seems that Firefox can't find a DNS > server. I am having the same problem with apt-get update. None of my > mirrors can be reached. Ping works just fine. I can't even reach the > other computers on my home network if I use their names. IP addresses > work OK. I have installed resolvconf and followed several installation > instructions to no avail. The name servers for my router > ( both google servers at and are listed > in the correct file (can't remember which one). This system worked fine > when first installed. I installed qemu-kvm on the system and I think in > broke things.I've run out of ideas. > > Please help
Hi, Gary, I absolutely feel your pain. I've been locked out most of the entire past week. Could mostly only access ~400 to 900 BITES per second download once in a little while. After some nosing around, I've initially stumbled upon a quick fix that will help you at least upgrade right now. This came about k/t an Ubuntu issue [0]. Yes, I know you're saying you can't access something like that right now so this is posted in hopes someone can further translate that into appropriate IP addresses (unless you're accessing from another computer and can do that yourself, that is). In the process of learning from that issue over there, this came up: https://wiki.debian.org/SourcesList#Name_Resolution VERY cool. It says you can temporarily change your /etc/apt/sources.list by personalizing the following *example*/*template*: echo "deb testing main contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list You simply tweak that to match one's own favored release (e.g. jessie, stretch, buster, etc) such as it already exists within /etc/apt/sources.list. That is SO cool because the tip I learned from Ubuntu was about tweaking your /etc/hosts. I like tweaking sources.list much better. I think I like it mostly because it's something more familiar than other files. Afterthought is that, because you're only swapping out a domain name for an IP address (and not touching ANYTHING ELSE), hopefully that should just keep right on moving from where you left off last time. If it was me doing this, I would make sure I had a safe backup copy of sources.list to put back in place when things were solved. :) So now we hopefully have you upgrading.. Oh, and yes, I know.. there are all kinds of the fancy commands the rest of everyone uses to debug this type of topic. That right there above is *so* easy to test drive and is surely a new toy for someone besides me (too). I even tested = IT WORKS as expected!!! If it then still doesn't work after upgrading, you can do the tip from the Ubuntu page where you pick and add appropriate /etc/hosts lines as you need them. But you need the IP addresses. I've almost figured that out but not quite. As it turns out, we might have the power to get those right from our terminals. I'm not sure if it would work for you, Gary, due to your issues, but it's a quick install to test and see. Via Google, I learned about "nslookup". "apt-cache search nslookup" landed the "dnsutils" package (285kb for me). Once installed, you type in "nslookup" (as a normal user) and hit Enter. Then you type in the domain name that needs an IP equivalent. You'll receive back something like this: > deb.debian.org Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: deb.debian.org canonical name = static.debian.org. Name: static.debian.org Address: Name: static.debian.org Address: Name: static.debian.org Address: Name: static.debian.org Address: That didn't match what Debian Wiki provided so I next tested "dig" which is also included in dnsutils. I'm not sure how to implement that one so I'm going to send this off now. Maybe someone else is versed in "dig" and can help decode its flags, etc. It looks far more powerful than nslookup.. :) Or maybe they know an even more productive tool with possibly easier to remember flags. :) Originally it had come to mind that there's always the option of sharing files like these to check for formation and typos: /etc/network/interfaces /etc/hosts (before potential tweaking) /etc/resolv.conf Those interfaces and hosts files are places I have to touch on and sometimes fill in some things for during each new debootstrap. That tells me they're places where things can get messed up. That /etc/resolv.conf always resolves itself for me, yayhoo, but maybe something's not quite ok in yours. I'm saying that because my notes are showing one thing, and now my own /etc/resolv.conf has apparently populated itself with an additional line these days. Beyond that, I'm pretty much... speechless. :) Cindy :) [0] https://askubuntu.com/questions/928144/no-internet-access-lubuntu-17-04-eeepc-1001pxd/936972#936972 -- Cindy-Sue Causey Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA * runs with Geraldine Laverne's goldfish food *