On 03-09-17, Ian Martin wrote:
> > 
> > The emacs (non-DFSG) info pages will be useful for novices, but will
> > be absent unless you install them. The emacsNN-common-non-dfsg package
> > for the corresponding version (NN) of emacs is one way to do so.
You've missed thread. This is definitely wrong one.

> Geany +1 ( with the addon packages).  Also Bluefish.
> Novices are on a steep learning curve as it is.  If you're trying to
> encourage them to consider programming as a viable use of time, minimising
> the number of new things to learn before they achieve a result is
> important.  Most computer users already know how to interact with an Office
> text editor; changing the paradigm to that of vim or emacs condemns them to
> having to learn a whole new way of opening/ writing/ saving.
> While I have used emacs & vim, there's a feeling of intense satisfaction on
> actually managing to save a changed file without any unpleasant surprises. 
> It shouldn't be that much of a relief! If copy/move/edit/save requires
> significant cognitive effort, there's something wrong with the process and
> only the stubborn will survive.  Pointing people to the manual for that
> basic a process is not a solution; if I bought a bicycle that required me to
> read the manual before I could ride it, it'd be returned unfit for purpose
> a.s.a.p.
> Ian.

What are you talking about? Both Vim and Emacs have GUI that will let
you open, save and stuff like that files with mouse, as well as with
shortcuts. And both Emacs and Vim come with tutorials that will set you
up and running for basic tasks in no time at all. And once you learn not
to use GUI tools in Vim and Emacs, which will not take you long time
with just a bit of practice, you will be much faster and every editing
task will become easier. 

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