(there was a problem with my subscription to the list, I am not sure that my previous mail went through, copy/pasting it again just in case - sorry for the spam if you received it twice)
Hello, On 2017-06-07 06:11, Andy Smith wrote: > On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 11:41:30PM +0000, commentsab...@riseup.net wrote: >> From there on, how should I proceed ? > > What is your goal? Exactly what setup do you have now? > > You are not making it easy for people to help you as your email does > not thread back to whatever you were discussing before. So I'm > afraid you'll have to remind us. > > If you're just looking to set up software RAID with encryption, all > of that can be done from the Debian installer. Sorry, I'll start again from the beginning : Here is a picture of what I'm trying to achieve: https://imgur.com/a/DAM8D (the "Today" column). I am trying to build a home backup system. The system (Debian Stretch) will be on a SSD. For the time being, I only have one pair of HDDs (the "Today" column in the picture) ; in the future (the "Future" column), I would like to add other pairs of HDD to store other kind of data. This backup system will only be turned on when needed, I don't plan on using it as some sort of server or a NAS. We are talking about software RAID1. I would like everything to be encrypted (FDE), from the system (/ and /swap) to the RAID1 drives. Debian will be installed via a USB stick. If possible, I would like to have different encryption keys for the system and the various RAID1 pairs (in the "Future" column in the picture, one for the system, one for "work", one for "family", one for "misc"). So that I can give the system encryption passphrase, "family" and "misc" ones to my wife and keep the "work" one for myself. As stated in another mail of the thread, I'm a complete noob when it comes to this kind of operations so I'm looking for a step by step ELI5 explanation (I have tried to use the Debian graphical installer to achieve this but have failed because I was just messing around with the options trying to figure out what to do). For the sake of the discussion: here is the complete archive of this thread : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/linux.debian.user/jjdr6LXaOm8 You'll notice that Joshua Schaeffer provided what seems to be a complete solution but I have no idea how to go from "I have my computer with all the drives plugged in, Debian installer on USB stick and I launched the graphical installer" to "enter these commands into a terminal to achieve what you are trying to do" : https://groups.google.com/d/msg/linux.debian.user/jjdr6LXaOm8/Pals7djzAAAJ Note: I am not criticizing Joshua's answer in any way, I am grateful for it, I am just underlying (once again) the fact that I am a noob on this topic :) Thank you in advance for your help :) CA PS: at the time of my first mail, Stretch wasn't the "stable" release yet (I have now updated the title from "Jessie" to "Stretch")