Hi, I suppose, it is based on the personal preferences. Many people will use gdm3, as Gnome is the default login manager.
However, I believe, that those, who were using kdm (like me) just would not notice, that kdm disappeared, as it will not be deinstalled during full- upgrade. Ok, what else? Well, sddm will not be usable for those people, who are using nvidia's proprietrary driver, as using them, sddm will not start. I am running sddm on my EEEPC 1005HGO, which from the view and setting options I liked very much. However, at last I changed to lightdm, as the starting of sddm on this "slow" system (1,66GHz) is lasting about 1 minute, whilst lightdm is started below 10 seconds. So, lightdm is my personal choice. However, no one is hindered to download kdm from backports, it is running very well on debian/testing. So, hope, it does make things clearer. Best regards Hans