On 2017-08-25, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> Unless you have accounts¹ that invite break-in attempts², the main
> thing to resist offline cracking is to have better passwords than
> your neighbours, just like security against burglary. Once a suitable
> proportion of passwords have been cracked, which will consist of the
> easier ones, there are diminishing returns in continuing to try to
> crack the rest.

Brian's thesis:


(clever and funny, BTW,
yet contradicted by this:)


> ¹accounts of all sorts, not just forums.
> ²institutions, slebs, politicians, etc.
> Cheers,
> David.

Only the coward who has more fear of death than dignity can comfort himself 
with the fact that
his body will in time live again in the grass, in the stones, in the toad. To 
find one's
immortality in the transmutation of substances is as strange as to prophesy a 
brilliant future
for the case after a precious violin has been broken and becomes useless. — 
"Ward 6"

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