Borden Rhodes <> writes:

> To answer an earlier question about why I don't report all the bugs I
> find in software: I choose my battles.

I don't recall anyone asking why you don't report all bugs you find in
software, that would be a fatuous question.

You were asked specifically about the bugs in Debian Stretch that you
encountered and you said you were surprised Stretch was released with
those bugs not fixed.

The question is not why you don't report all bugs. The question is, if
there are bugs you ahven't reported in time for them to be investigated
prior to release, how can you claim surprise when they aren't fixed in
time for release?

 \          “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the decision that |
  `\     something else is more important than fear.” —Ambrose Redmoon |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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