On 08/23/2017 06:48 AM, ju...@tutanota.com wrote:
> - i cannot change the default setting.
> is it a secure feature/the best option or a sign that something is wrong.

limits.conf contains the "default" ulimits if it is set as "soft", and
absolute limits if set as "hard", so if you want to change the defaults,
you will need to configure limits.conf.

> - have i to configure limits.conf ?
> my /etc/security/limits.conf is not set (all is marked as # comment)
> i do not know how-to-do that & i have not found (desktop default user / no 
> server) something that i could copy & past or a soft/script which should 
> generate the best option for me.

Check out limits.conf(5). In short, you can add lines to
/etc/security/limits.conf to impose global limits (except for systemd
services). The format is <domain> <type> <item> <value>.

<domain>: Who is affected by the limit? can be * for everyone, a
specific user, etc.

<type>: Either "hard", "soft", or "-". "hard" and "soft" are as I
described above, "-" combines both.

<item>: The "thing" to limit. Stuff like # of processes, memory used,
etc. See the manpage for a complete list.

<value>: The value you want to set as the limit.

All the lines already in that file are either explaining how to use it
or examples.

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