On Saturday 19 August 2017 15:38:14 Brian wrote:

> On Sat 19 Aug 2017 at 15:26:02 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Saturday 19 August 2017 14:57:46 Brian wrote:
> > > /etc/hosts files advocated? What is wrong with using avahi-demon?
> > > This is 2017.
> >
> > For starters, it seems not to want to use 192.168 addresses very
> > well.  I run it, but no clue what it does except assign the wrong
> > address to what it discovers.
> >
> > But my curiosity bump needed scratching, so I looked at
> > /etc/avahi/hosts, and the only machine/address it discovered is
> > correct, for my brother MFC's scanner.local.  The tabloid capable
> > printer in it is also at that address.  I looked at the manpage for
> > daemon.conf but have not looked at the file.  It seems to me that if
> > its to be usefull, it should detect everything in my local class D
> > block. There are from 4 to 6 other machines here, 4 others minimum. 
> > Why did it not detect them also? If its to be OOTB a substitute for
> > /etc/hosts, its not doing at all well.
> Cannot help you with the 192.168 addresses thing. But, given your
> curiosity bent, I think you could sort this out if you look at what
> /etc/hosts and avahi do. I've never need to alter /etc/avahi/hosts.

I know what etc/hosts is, but the instant question is "do I 
add /etc/avahi/hosts as a 3rd place to look for this data?, and if so, 
the expected syntax to use in my /etc/resolv.conf?" Currently:

# Generated by Gene Heskett
search host,dns
domain coyote.den

Thanks Brian.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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