On 07/14/2017 02:09 AM, Curt wrote:
On 2017-07-09, Marc Shapiro <marcns...@gmail.com> wrote:
At some point in the past I was having sound issues which I traced to
pulseaudio.  I uninstalled pulseaudio and everything was fine.  Then
Firefox decided to require pulseaudio and my sound (in Firefox) went away.

I reinstalled pulseaudio and eventually got it working (I thought).
Well, it was working for me, but not for my wife and daughter,
apparently.  Both of them have recently let me know that they have been
without sound for an indeterminate period of time.

This morning, I went to my wife's login and ran:

pulseaudio --kill

rm ~/.config/pulse

pulseaudio --start

And that worked.  There were some warnings about not being able to find
the cookie file, which was understandable since I had just rm'd the
configuration directory.  But pulseaudio recreated the directory and
needed files and seems to be happy.  At least I am able to get sound
from the command line, as well as from Firefox.

When I tried to do the same thing under my daughter's login, however, I
get the warnings about the cookie file and ~/.config/pulse is NOT
recreated, so still no sound anywhere.  I have checked the permissions
of my daughter's  ~/.config/pulse directory and it is 644 with her user
as owner and group.  That matches ~/.config in my home directory and my

The wiki suggests (for missing playback devices):

$ rm -r ~/.config/pulse /tmp/pulse-*
$ pulseaudio --kill
$ pulseaudio --start
I have not done 'rm -r /tmp/pluse*' (the only such directory is empty), but I have done the rest under each of the three logins in the appropriate /home/ directories for each login. My wife and I each get sound, but my daughter still gets silence.

I suppose you've verified in a mixer program and/or pavucontrol that all
is as should be.
Yes, I've checked both alsamixer and pavucontrol. Everything looks the same under all three logins.

So why does pulseaudio not create the files it needs, like it did for me
and my wife?  Is there something else that I am missing? Any help will
be appreciated.
I don't have a ~/.config/pulse/ directory myself; I suppose in my case
pulse gets its config from /etc/pulse.

BTW, as it would appear that ~/.config/pulse/ is a directory and
not a file (unless I'm wrong in which case I'm wrong) I don't see how your
'rm ~/.config/pulse' command worked. But I guess I'm wrong because
certainly you would have noticed "rm: cannot remove 'pulse/': Is a

Or maybe during the redaction of your post you left out the '-r' flag by
Correct.  The -r should have been included.

BTW, I solved the problem of the directory and files not being recreated. My daughter had a .pulse sub-directory in her /home/ directory which prevented the new directory and files from being created. Deleting that directory allowed the new directory and files to be created, but my daughter still gets no sound.


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