On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 03:19:05PM +0200, janm wrote:
> This works well, I just use startx at boot. However, locking the screen and 
> returning from suspend presents me with a blank screen. When I do 
> Ctrl+Alt+F7, I get a blank screen with a blinking cursor. Ctrl+Alt+F2 etc. 
> get me other tty's, but that means losing my session.

Under systemd (jessie/stretch), X is started in the same tty where you
ran startx.  So, Ctrl-Alt-F1.  Not Ctrl-Alt-F7, the way it used to be in
wheezy and before.

(The dynamic getty generator by default only gives you gettys up to
tty6, not tty7.)

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