On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 12:08 AM, Hans <hans.ullr...@loop.de> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> due to another problem in libreoffice (no gallery, when dmaths is
> installed), I
> moved ~/.config/libreoffice out of the way, to get a fresh configuration.
> DO NOT DO THIS except you have a backup available!

 Actually there are times when removing ~/.config/libreoffice is exactly
you need to do.

The LO installer is rather brain dead so when you get reported file missing
errors on LO start up, apt-get remove libreoffice && apt-get install
does not fix the problem.

The procedure that worked for me was:
apt-get remove libreoffice
rm -rf ~/.config/libreoffice
apt-get install libreoffice

all as root of course.

There may have been a better way to do this job but the above did work.

Cheers Bob

All along the untrodden paths of nature may be seen the footprints of an
unseen hand.

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