FOUND IT!  I think.

And there's a lot of discussion about it, too.
The issue is that Stretch has implemented light-locker as a screen locker for security purposes. A search for 'debian light-locker' brings up a lot of discussion and bug reports concerning this new standard addition to Stretch. It's doing what it's supposed to do on my system but I got used to mate-screensaver so I'll probably continue. For now, I just killed the process to see what happens. The package can't be removed without taking a bunch of other stuff with it, it seems, but I'll try removing the startup file in /etc/xdg/autostart in an attempt to do it the easy way. I browsed quickly through the source and found some configuration items that I don't quite understand. Maybe a config file is planned for the future.

So, now I know why the system drops back to a lightdm greeter even though a screensaver is active. I think I know how to disable it but there's no formal procedure for doing so. It's tied to xfce packages so I'm afraid to remove the package for fear of spending another 3 days setting up the system again with all my apps. But I'm still not sure why the running apps were suspended and didn't continue to run in the background.


On 07/01/2017 08:42 AM, wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, Jul 01, 2017 at 08:13:26AM -0700, tony mollica wrote:
Yet more information on this particular issue.

I let the xscreensaver run overnight and it appears that after some
time, whatever amount of time that is, the system still falls back
to the lightdm greeter for logging in.  However, after logging in
again I now get the xscreensaver unlock input window, so it appears
that even though it now falls back to the lightdm login it doesn't
kill the xscreensaver.  Previously the mate-screensaver unlock was
evidently bypassed when the lightdm greeter was enabled.

The question is still 'where is the auto logoff taking place and
where is the config for that"?

Next question is 'with no screensavers enabled, how long will it
take for the system to automatically log me out to the lightdm

This is getting stranger and stranger. I'm out of ideas for now,
sorry :-(

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


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