On 2017-06-29, Beco <r...@beco.cc> wrote:

>>From time to time, every one or two boots, KDE won't load, it shows a
> dialog with only an "OK" button and the message:
> kde can't find file usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes/lines

> I click ok and get redirected to a console login.
> If I just boot again, it will likely boot just fine.
> The first time I saw the problem was during the first boot after the
> upgrade. I didn't know then that I could just boot again, and I started
> digging in the console to realize that I could not solve the problem and I
> started all the install process again, which took me some of my weekend
> time.
> I tried to google then, and today again after the problem reappears, but I
> can't find any forum with another case similar.

This looks similar:


> Any ideas ? Thanks.

“Yeah yeah.” --Sidney Morgenbesser's retort to a speaker who said that although
there are many cases in which two negatives make a positive, he knew of no case
in which two positives made a negative.

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