On Tue 27 Jun 2017 at 08:26:47 (-0500), Richard Owlett wrote: > I am using the MATE desktop on Debian Stretch. > I wish to run a user specific script each time a specific user logs in. > The script is known to work because I manually run it each and every > time I login. > > The MATE help system lacks a usable index making finding a specific > option difficult. > > One eventually arrives at > Desktop User Guide » Desktop Sessions » Setting Programs to Start > Automatically When You Log In » > which has a section titled "Startup Programs Tab" which says "You > can use the Startup Programs tab to add, modify, and remove startup > programs." > > The previous screen had said "The Sessions preference tool allows > you to define which programs are started automatically when you log > in." > > *NOWHERE* does the "help system" give Debian applicable instructions > for getting to this "Sessions preference tool". Elsewhere in the > "help system" reference is made to something similar called "System > Manager". But nothing on how to access it either. > > Guidance from a MATE user would be appreciated.
I don't understand. I can't believe a DE doesn't have a menu system. Does it not have an Edit Preferences or some such. Then look for Startup Programs in whatever Edit Preferences throws up, menu or dialog box. Cheers, David.