On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 10:53:02AM +0200, Hans wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2017, 10:41:05 CEST schrieb Mirco Piccin:Hi Hans,Hi MircoHere more info: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-backup-excerpt/5.7/en/reloading-sql-format-d umps.htmlsorry, but that was not quite the thing, I was looking for.After restore, you can browse the tables to find your blogs using Tora, phpMyAdmin, or any other tools. All the data will be of course with html tags.Maybe I should precise my question: How can I restore my data from this sql database on my desktop? Is there a tool to extract my blogs?
SQL is a text-based language. If you open the file in vim (or gunzip it, then open it, if you prefer a graphical editor such as gedit), you should expect to see a series of statements. The first set will probably start something like "CREATE TABLE". For your purposes, you can ignore these. Scroll down to find statements beginning with either "UPDATE <sometable>" or "INSERT INTO <sometable". With a bit of luck, each blog entry will be a separate record. You should be able to identify the content of the blog entries, plus there will probably also be metadata such as when the blog was posted and so on. Converting this into whatever format you now want is left as an exercise for the reader :)
I do not want to build a webserver with php and wordpress and so on, just extract my blogs. Phpmyadmin needs a webserver to run. This is not, what I wanted, of course.Good luck MBest Hans
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