* Who does it? I use 30 tabs max.

* I don't know, I'm a right hand. You can install and figure it out I guess.

* Not that I'm aware of, BUT, instead of recover tabs you can look at history and recover from there without using huge amount of resource on your HDD to show all the tabs you had open and witch one you want to recover from.

* I believe your use is very specific, all your history and data are stored in database format on your ~home/.config/opera.

On 22-06-2017 13:10, rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
I'm not the OP, but because you use and recommend Opera, let me ask a few

   * Have you ever used a really large number of tabs--I mean like 800 or so?

   * Does Opera have, hmm, what to call it--a tab interface on the left hand
side--a thing where the tab labels can be nested and collapsed and such?

   * Does Opera have a means to recover tabs on a crash?

   * Does Opera have a means to backup the history (not in a database, I hope)
from which I can print (or C&P) a list of the tabs that were open at the time
of a crash?


On Thursday, June 22, 2017 12:00:35 PM Wellington Terumi Uemura wrote:
I really recommend that you switch up to Opera and forget about Chromium
and Firefox for a number of reasons. It uses much less resources, native
AdBlock, embedded free VPN for your privacy concerns, it uses chromium
engine to render pages, pop up video, Speed Dial, etc, etc.
e-opera-browser/ https://www.windowscentral.com/why-switch-opera-browser

Your issue is also why I've migrated it and I'm not willing to go back,
I don't keep track of every single change that happens with Debian and
Mozilla. Before I used to compile a kernel specific to my machine, now I
just want to install the thing and use it.

I just have enough of this, Firefox is out of Debian, now is back again,
now Firefox stop working with flash and you have to do some Voodoo magic
to make it work until the next update that will brake flash player all
over again.

To make flash, h.264 and html5 work on Opera, all you have to do is this.
1. Download the ".tar.gz" version

2. Download the last pre-build nwjs-ffmpeg

3. Install some nice fonts
pt-get install ttf-linux-libertine ttf-freefont ttf-mscorefonts-installer

4. Download and install Opera

5. Open Opera and at the top left cornet, click at the red Opera logo
and go "about opera". Check where it is installed, my is something like
Installed: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera

6. Decompress nwjs-ffmpeg and copy the "libffmpeg.so" to where your
Opera is installed.

Restart Opera, that's it!

Youtube videos, Facebook videos, cnn, and animations should be working,
if you test for html5 on Youtube, all should be blue.

If you still need flash player:

1. Decompress the flashplayer
tar -zxvf flash_player_ppapi_linux.x86_64.tar.gz

2. Create the plugins directory as root or using sudo
mkdir /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/plugins

3. Copy libpepflashplayer.so to plugins directory
cp libpepflashplayer.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/plugins

Restart Opera.

You can use the Debian version:

Please note that you have to update the nwjs-ffmpeg every time a new
Opera version arrives.

On 22-06-2017 02:31, Maureen L Thomas wrote:
I just updated some packages and it upgraded me to stretch.  That is all
fine but I cannot get flash to work yet again.  Is there any help out
there for this program.  I even installed Chromium with pepperflash and
it won't work either.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am running on an AMD A8, Toshiba satellite, with stretch.  Thanks.


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