On 05/16/2017 11:23 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
On 05/16/2017 11:04 PM, SDA wrote:
On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 08:50:45AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
*ROFL!* <giggle><giggle> ;/
I've been a computer _user_ for a half-century.
About 5 years ago I started seriously plotting my escape from the
gloppy GUI
of an organization recently in the news.
I investigated "Linux from Scratch", Slackware, and Ubuntu. Debian was
chosen for having a good mixture of customizing possibilities and
breath of
easily installed tested software.
IMHO You should do LFS - Over the past 18 months or so, the amount of
traffic attributed to you and your learning is incredible. A lot of
time is
spent on your issues, (which face it aren't really problems) while I feel
that other users don't get the attention needed. What makes you think you
should monopolize this list as your personal research tool? It's fucking
My current mantra is "If retirement isn't for learning, what use is it?"
Maybe get out and enjoy life more? I'm retired too, but don't spend
all my
time at the keyboard!
If he's like me, an amputee in a wheelchair, keeping the ole brain
active, while everything else is failing, isn't a bad thing. I also
watch a lot of cooking shows, but that is another matter. <grins> Ric
I'm disabled with Fibromyalgia and work from home. I can't afford to
retire. And I spend almost all my time at the computer. I love watching
YouTube (Gak!! *cough* Ok... some channels are actually pretty good).
Though they are not cooking shows. Mostly sci-fi, spiritual, music, and
tech and art or DIY related.