On 05/06/2017 06:38 PM, RavenLX wrote:
> On 05/06/2017 06:46 PM, Michael Milliman wrote:
>> beta testing.  Usually, by the time Stretch reaches the 'frozen' stage,
>> most of the major issues have been worked out, and it is reasonably
>> ready for production.  However, they may still be a few problems to be
>> worked out...it is a beta after all.
> I have come to know over the years nothing is 100% perfect, even if it's
> out of beta. :) I've used beta software in the past that was very
> stable, and used stable software in the past that was buggier than
> you-know-what. (I must say the majority of the buggy software was back
> when I used to use Windows as my main OS). Since I use Debian as my main
> OS, I have had quite reliable and rock-solid results.
>> I use out of distribution packages on occasion as well.  However, there
>> is no guarantee that such packages will work or continue to work under
>> the new distribution, even after it is released as Debian Stable.
> The ones I use are Google Chrome (because I need to have things like
> bookmarks, etc. available across several devices), JEdit (I use this for
> development), TLP Power Management (because otherwise my laptop's fan
> would be on all the time and it would get quite hot for some reason),
> Thunderbird from Ubuntuzilla, and VirtualBox (because I like to have the
> latest). Also videolan is in there for the stuff needed for playing DVDs
> on my laptops. I don't use CiaroDock right now but I do have it
> commented out in case I want to go back to it. Also I added the
> backports repo. That's the crazy setup I have. I'm thinking of doing
> this for GIMP and Blender as well. Not sure yet. I like having new
> features. :) I'm considering going back to KDE and having the latest KDE
> updates, too (right now I'm doing quite well with XFCE from the Jessie
> repo). Sometimes I like to try different things (and do so usually first
> in a virtual machine for awhile).
>> Having said that, if they worked under Debian 8, they may well work
>> under Debian 9.  Keep in mind, however, the libraries available with
>> Debian 9 will in many cases be new and updated versions, and may not be
>> the same as the ones used by the out of distribution packages. So there
>> may be some compatibility issues. (Issues I did have with one of the
>> out-of-distribution packages I use.)
> I've had that happen a long time ago with something (I forgot what now).
> Very much a PITA.
>> Give it a try.  If it works for you great.
> Going to do that in a VM first.
>> If you have problems,
>> especially with packages/libraries within the distribution, report them
>> so that they can be addressed and fixed.  That kind of input is
>> important in getting the Stretch distribution through the process to the
>> Stable distribution.
> I'll earn the "dumb question of the century" award for this but...
> What list do I report bugs to and is there something online that tells
> someone (who doesn't normally report bugs) the proper way to do bug
> reports?
That is most definitely NOT a dumb question!! It is difficult at times
to determine where to report bugs.  However, if the bug is within the
Debian distribution, I would use the Debian bug reporter to report it,
the development team will work with upstream as necessary to resolve the
problem.  If if is out-of-distribution, they you would have to report it
through whatever method the package distributer provides for doing such
things, which varies from package to package.

> Thank you for the detailed information you gave. It's very much
> appreciated. :)

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