Le 05 May 2017, songbird <songb...@anthive.com> a écrit :

>   i haven't had to use this program in a while, but today
> was trying to fix an audio file and when i go to save it
> the program gives error message:
>   Failed to open '/home/me/smb/tmp1.flac'!
>   which is also annoying because it opens the file without
> any problem, but then it also erases it so there's nothing
> left.
>   luckily i do have backups so the file is recoverable.
>   it's a simple program that is useful, but perhaps nobody
> else ever uses it?
>   p.s. doesn't matter what i try to call the file or
> extension...
>   songbird

Hi songbird. Mhwaveedit works as usual here. I have 1.4.23 from testing
repo. Just tried it on a flac file. Open -> edit -> save -> reopen = no problem.

Mhwaveedit is very useful for me too as it is blazing fast for basic
audio file editing.

Did you try "save as…" and "save selection as…" as well ?


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