-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: BUG or OPERATOR error? - was [Re: Measuring aggregate internet useage?] UTC Time: April 26, 2017 8:26 PM From: rowl...@cloud85.net
In the *MAJORITY* of cases that it runs demonstrates that someone at sometime decided to restrict some computer owners from using their own computer in a reasonable manner. Are you saying debian is not designed for users but for sys-admins as owners? I assume if you are a confident sys-adm and single user then you can run it as root and have no users or create a user with identical rights to root. But for debian and most linux/unix derivatives to have it plastered all over the place to rarely if ever use root, I assume and can think of reasons. If your significant other uses it and you get into a fight he/she might destroy your system, or your kid, or your neighbor who uses it as a server for his connection to the world. Remember Linux borrows heavily from an OS designed in another era for a another audience. Can you explain what era and audience was this and how has it changed? I have yet to run across a case where any distinction should be made between "user richard" and "user root". That is because those who run 6 servers and 300,000 users based on the same installation you had would have a stroke hearing something like this. Can you run a webmail server and administer it off of your system? What it sounds like you are asking for is a Debian-workstation and a Debian-enterprise as separate systems in a way the 1st would never be able to be transformed into the 2nd. I do not take that as necessary and sufficient conditions to abolish questionable conventions. They might be occasionally valuable. In the age of laptops, tablets, and so-called "smart phones" I think the more relevant basic distinction would be between "physically local user" and "physically external user". How about a coffee shop with dummy terminals all connected to a pc-server? You would be the coffee-shop owner and use the pc as your workstation as well. The rest would be ?external? users? Haven't yet figured out what to propose that wouldn't "throw baby out with the bath water". So you are wasting bandwidth without a proposal. You want something to change but don't know what yet. -freak